
January 30

This boy amazes me!


January 29

P poured an entire bag of goldfish crackers
into the dogs' food & water bowls.
And no, he didn't eat any.
He left them all for Maize to enjoy!


January 27

P's 3rd haircut.
Notice the bowl & whisk?
He was "scrambling us up some eggs!"
Ms. Brooke's "little man".


January 26

"Little Peanut"
That's what Sean & Christine call him.
Here's a photo of him opening his Christmas gift from them.
A track suit in size 2T.
Tell me it's not possible.
He cannot almost be 2!!!


January 23

Sunday dinner.
White linen.
Dining room.
P on his finest behavior.


January 18

P opened his closet door,
climbed to the top of the box where he now sits,
pulled a few diapers out and threw them to the floor,
and then proceeded to get stuck.
Here he is contemplating his next move.
He wound up calling out "I stuck!"
Mommy to the rescue!!!


January 17

Todd took P to Monkey Joe's.
He LOVES the slide.
1st photo- look at the smile!
2nd photo- WHEE!!!

January 16

Muddy jacket, pants & shoes... oh, forehead & hands, too!
While checking out Granddaddy's "construction site",
P feel face first into a mud pile.
Got up and quickly declared himself a "mess."
"I mess! I mess!"


January 14

Battle of the vacuum cleaners.


January 13

P watching "Elmomo" just before school.
Enjoying a breakfast of 5 (!) pancakes, a banana & raspberries.


January 12

P & Daddy & building blocks.
Todd then P then Todd again.
They build it up & P knocks it down!


January 11

Snow Day No. 2
How we layered P so he'd be warm while playing in the snow.


January 10

Snow Day No. 1
Lake Avenue, Hapeville
ATW from Granddaddy
Smiles from Mommy & Daddy


January 7

Spaghetti face.
Fresh bruise on forehead.
Curly, wild, messy hair.
Doodling & smiling.
Friday night.

January 6

Zoom. Zoom.
Arcade-style car racing at Johnny's Pizza.
He LOVED this thing!


January 5

Sleeping. 10:15 p.m.
Thankfully he didn't wake up when I turned on his light to get this photo.


January 4

P doing his own hair with Ms. Brooke's hot pink blow dryer.
He went with the Farrah Fawcett hair-do.

January 3

Just before bed. P making one last phone call. Probably to his MeMe.

January 2

No photo. Sorry.

January 1

P & his bubble stick.